Sunday, January 21, 2007


Nothing much has been going on of late, except for the usual staying up late, and catching up on a lot of TV. I have however, discovered the joys of a few things. Like needing multiple versions of the same program because other programs haven't gotten it together and all agreed to use the one version. I tried cleaning up my harddrive to reclaim some space (I'm a neat freak when it comes to my HD), and spent the rest of the day putting my operating system back together(I don't use Windoz, however the image illustrates the concept).

I have however discovered the joys of RSS and BitTorrent. Old news for some, way older news for others. I only got into BT after my brother decided that the internet wasn't fast enough for us at home and upgraded it 1.5MBit/sec which isn't too bad. So maybe having a MMORPG addict for a sibling isn't too bad. I also refuse to support the way commercial television destroys TV shows. So it's a fun thing to have.

RSS too is a fun toy. There have been problems with standards, however that's all settling down now, and it's convenient to have all my favorite blogs and other sites who have RSS feeds all in one handy to reach place. Made me pull out Thunderbird again.

So I am off in 9 (nearly 8) days. If you desperately want to contact me, my mother or Emily knows how to get in touch with me. But it had better be good, as they don't like us taking personnel calls. In fact the wonderful powers that be confiscate our mobiles.

So if I don't see you, or post before I leave (which has a 50/50 chance of happening), have a great 6 months. I'll see you when I get back.

[edit 25/01/07] Austin Powers is cool! Enough said. Also I'm scheduled to be finished by the 29/07/2007, so until then farewell. [/edit]


Thursday, January 4, 2007

If a man washes a dish and there is no-one around to see it - did it really happen??

Are the joys and merits of housework. There is really not much to say other than that about the tedious mind numbing repetition of vacuuming the same piece of carpet over and over again. Then again, if I didn't vacuum it, then the inevitable crunchyness that would occur would only cause me great pain. So it's a trade off - between the effort to vacuum, vs the effort taken to ignore (albeit painfully) the things that have been trodden into the carpet. All in all I don't really care as I'm not at my house. I'm staying at Emily's as I had to come up to the 'burbs to go see the Navy people again. It's getting closer and closer to the day when I disappear for a while. And I think it's starting to hit home for a few people what I've gotten myself into. Maybe it's the ton of paperwork I've had to fill out, and the phone calls, and so on and so forth. Maybe it's the realisation that we are indeed now in 2007 (Happy New Year by the way), so "next year" has arrived. I think the clincher for me was yesterday when I learned I that I had been booked into my "Appointment Ceremony". It's the shin-dig they have for family, and blah blah blah. Basically it's when I sign on the dotted line, and I'm in. I then of course ship out the following day, so not a lot of time to take it all in.

So as time continues it stately march onwards, I hope that people have had a good holiday break. That you have been able to perhaps deal with some issues of the past year, and that you were able to resolve, learn, and move on. Perhaps I am getting sentimental in my old age, or perhaps it's the housework getting to me. Perhaps they should recommend it to the boys in Guantanamo. Stuff everything else, get the "terrorists" - yeah those guys who haven't even had a fair trial yet to clean up the place. They'll break instantly.
